Title VI Civil Rights Act Procedures & Forms

The City of Oakland does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, disability, age, or sex. "Sex" includes sexual orientation and gender identity. The City has a policy of non-discrimination in its programs, activities, and regular course of business. We will not retaliate against any individual or group for exercising their rights.


Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF)

The purpose of the Discrimination Complaint Form is for anyone who believes they have been subjected to discrimination, intimidation or retaliation in the receipt of benefits and/or services from the City on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex or age.

The form can be submitted to contact Artisha McCullough, amccullough@oaklandca.gov.

Discrimination Complaint Form (WORD)

The purpose of the Discrimination Complaint Form is for anyone who believes they have been subjected to discrimination, intimidation or retaliation in the receipt of benefits and/or services from the City on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex or age.

The form can be submitted to contact Artisha McCullough, amccullough@oaklandca.gov.

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