City of Oakland Seeks Community Input for Capital Improvement Planning

The City of Oakland is updating our process to identify and select capital projects for funding.

Oakland, CA –The City of Oakland is updating our process to identify and select capital projects for funding. Capital projects improve and maintain Oakland’s public facilities and infrastructure. Capital projects can range from restoring aging fire stations to repaving broken streets to building new recreation centers.

These projects have a huge impact on the health and happiness of our community. The City wants community input to help build a process that produces a more equitable and transparent Capital Improvement Program. Our goal is a process rooted in community engagement, values, and priorities.

Between June 16 and June 30 the City will host four public information meetings, at locations chosen to make the meetings accessible for all community members to attend. These meetings will be interactive, so staff can share information and hear from the community. The information presented at all four meetings will be the same. Details for the four meetings are below:

Saturday June 16 from 10am-12pm

East Oakland Youth Development Center gymnasium

8200 International Boulevard

Wednesday, June 20 from 6pm-8pm

DeFremery Recreation Center

1651 Adeline Street

Saturday, June 23 from 10am-12pm

Main Library, Bradley Walters Auditorium

125 14th Street

Saturday, June 30, from 10am-12pm

Dimond Branch Library

3565 Fruitvale Avenue

In addition to these meetings hosted by the City, community members may see outreach team members at libraries and recreation centers, and at events hosted by community groups throughout Oakland.

The City is also seeking community input through an online survey for those who can’t attend a meeting. That survey – and more information about the CIP – is available online in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese translations, at this link:

Once this community input has been gathered, staff will review and analyze this input and use it to inform a revised project prioritization model that will be presented to the City Council for review in the fall.

For more information on the project, members of the press and the Oakland community can contact Public Information Officer Sean Maher at

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Tagged with: Newsroom


Posted: June 15th, 2018 12:00 AM

Last Updated: October 23rd, 2018 4:54 PM

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