Request Lien Removal

If you own property in Oakland and you don't pay a City bill, you might have a lien placed on your property tax bill. There are many kinds of liens that can be placed against your property. If a lien is placed against your property, you can't sell it or refinance it without removing the lien.

Lien Demand Request Form-Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese versions below
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There are many different kinds of liens and assessments. These are the kinds of liens you might have put on your property if you don't pay your bills.

· Garbage Liens

· Business Tax Liens

· Real Estate Transfer Tax Liens

· Sidewalk Liens

· Sewer Lateral Liens

· Vegetation Management Liens

If you need to payoff a lien or assessment you must:

1. Complete the Citywide Liens Demand Request Form

2. Send a check for $162.00 ($170.00 effective August 1, 2023) to Citywide Liens at 150 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612.

3. If you need a copy of your lien(s) contact the Alameda County Recorder’s Office, 1106 Madison St. Oakland, CA 94607 or visit the Recorder's website.

It can take five business days to process the liens. If you submit an incomplete Citywide Demand Request Form, the City will reject your request. (missing payment, missing hard copy of liens, or missing request form)

Contact Us

Phone: 510-238-7474


Walk-In Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9am - 1pm


Available Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. To schedule an appointment, please call 510-238-7474 or email