Statement from Mayor Libby Schaaf on Lifting City-Funded Travel Ban to Indiana

Statement from Mayor Libby Schaaf on Lifting CityFunded Travel Ban to Indiana

Oakland, CA – Today, Mayor Libby Schaaf joined San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee,
Portland Mayor Charlie Hales and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray in issuing the following
statements lifting their cities’ respective bans on City-funded travel to Indiana
following Indiana’s adoption of an amended Religious Freedom Restoration Act:
“We have a duty to speak out and act against discrimination wherever and
whenever it occurs because the erosion of anyone’s civil rights is a threat to us
all. While there is much more to be done nationally and at the state and local
levels to provide equal protection under the law for all, I am encouraged by
Indiana’s decision to clarify its law so that it cannot be used to deny members of
the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities access to services. After
review of this change, I am directing the Oakland City Administrator to resume
the normal review of requests for City-funded travel to Indiana.”
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s statement:
“While not perfect, the changes made to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act
represent a step in the right direction. While I believe strongly that Indiana, like many
states around the country, must still add more protections to prevent discrimination
against its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, I have decided to lift
San Francisco’s restrictions on publicly-funded City employee travel to the State of
Indiana with the hope and expectation that progress on civil rights for all Americans
will continue. I also applaud cities like Indianapolis, which have taken these steps at
the local level, and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, who has been a consistent
champion for equality during this whole debate.”
Portland Mayor Charlie Hales’ statement:
“Indiana as a state should follow the leadership of the great city of Indianapolis, and
of Mayor Greg Ballard. In Indianapolis, protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender residents are clearly delineated. Indianapolis understands that which so
many other cities and states know: that protecting all residents, regardless of sexual
orientation or gender identity, is sane, smart, practical and ethical.”
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s statement:
“After an unprecedented response from businesses, governments, faith organizations,
non-profits, sports organizations and millions of people across America, Indiana’s
legislature and governor amended their state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act to
include LGBT people for the first time in that state’s history.
While the most egregious parts of the law were changed, LGBT people still face a
tough reality in Indiana and in many other places throughout the country. Indiana
needs a comprehensive civil rights law like Washington’s, which protects people from
discrimination regardless of who they are or who they love.”
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s statement continued:
“I recognize that it will not be easy to pass anti-discrimination legislation in Indiana or
other states where these protections do not currently exist. In the state of Washington,
it took 29 years before we finally succeeded in passing it in 2006. The people in
Indiana and around the country who continue to fight for equity under the law need
coordinated support and resources to fulfill the promise of an end to discrimination. I
want to thank Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard for being a leader in his state and
calling for a civil rights law that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as a
protected class in Indiana. Seattle stands in solidarity with everyone who fights for
recognition and equal protections under the law. I realize LGBT people in Indiana
face a government whose mission was clear – they wanted to legalize discrimination
in Indiana – and to some degree they have.
Yet, rarely does wholesale change happen overnight. It is important that we celebrate
these small victories as we advance toward our ultimate goal of full equity for all.”


Media Contact:
Erica Terry Derryck
(510) 238-7072

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Posted: April 7th, 2015 12:00 AM

Last Updated: October 23rd, 2018 4:55 PM

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