Barcelona Parcel

The City of Oakland owns a 5.4-acre parcel of vacant land on portions of Barcelona Street and St. Andrews Road, commonly known as the "Barcelona" parcel.


While this parcel is surrounded by the Oak Knoll redevelopment project, the City's parcel is not included in the developer's master plan for Oak Knoll.

The City presented information slides on various affordable housing scenarios at a community meeting held by Vice Mayor Larry Reid, Councilmember for District 7, on October 30, 2019.

On January 30, 2020, Vice Mayor Larry Reid hosted a community meeting to provide updates on the affordable housing options, at the Oakland Zoo.

Supporting Documents

Agenda Report and Resolution No. 87031 C.M.S. to issue RFP for Development of Affordable Housing (January 2018)

2016-2021 Implementation Plan for the Oak Knoll Redevelopment Project
(April 2018)

Request to remove Barcelona parcel from the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with the City

Letter regarding the exclusion of remnant parcel from the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA)

Resolution No. 86582 C.M.S. Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) With Oak Knoll Venture Acquisitions, LLC, Or Affiliates
(Feburary 2017)

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