Foreclosure Assistance for Oakland Homeowners

If you are an Oakland homeowner in or at risk of foreclosure, you can fight to stay in your home.

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 7:52 PM

If you are an Oakland homeowner in or at risk of foreclosure, you can fight to stay in your home.

Many homeowners who are facing the threat of losing their homes do not get reliable help in time.

Call for help if you…

  • Are having trouble paying your mortgage
  • Have received a notice of delinquency or default
  • Are in foreclosure or think you are at risk of foreclosure
  • Believe you have a predatory loan and need legal advice
  • Are being pressured to short sell your home
  • Feel like your lender is giving you “the run-around”

You can get free housing counseling or legal services from organizations funded by the City of Oakland.